We arrived on Phi with no accomodation going against the lonely planets advice----- ooooo daring!! Lonely planet, smonely planet, we did just fine. After an hour or two of searching around the island we decided to up the budget and buy into some luxury........air con and a hot shower, wow wow wooey!! The first hot shower in 3 weeks.....UNBELIEVABLY goooood!!!!!
We celebrated Laura's birthday in style with a night of free BBQ food and buckets. Rach and Chris broke their Chang beer month long abstinence!!! The singer at the restaurant was amazing and a random dutch singer song writer got up and did a couple of songs and stole the show!! Mike got everyone to sing happy birthday in the restaurant and as you can imagine Laura hated being centre of attention!!????!! The evening went on with a fire show, lady boy show and too many buckets to remember much else!!.....coz tonights gonna be a good night!!!!!
Loo woke up for her birthday day in our luxury pad (ie hot shower) and we went across the island to a tropical beach to sweat out the hangovers!! We took a rasta-ferry in the afternoon over to Ao Maya beach (the beach used in that film .....oh the one with Leonardo di whats his name....you know the one.... well as you can imagine it was amazing)!!!
We arrived on the island as the tourists left and we set up camp and played a very important game of international footy bringing the different nations together (mainly mikes shins against the Thai players shins, damn they were quick, but no one gets past Mike, Laura and Rachel were a couple of hotty cheer leaders on the side lines, after all the exertion we had a big thai feast, washed down with plenty of Chang and buckets in the drinking games, sat around camp singing to someones guitar.
We checked out the bio luminescence (i think thats how you spell it Camilla but feel free to correct us on that one)!!??!! Then we slept out under the stars on the beach with our Thai sized/ child size/ Thai child sized (short, v short) sleeping bags!! This was lovely though as it allowed the wind to sand blast us and clear all that dead skin from our upper torso's, faces, ears and nostrils!!!! Picture to follow!!
Still we did get to wake up in Paradise which was all ours, until the first tourist boat arrived around 9am!! I think those tourists were a little shoked to find the sand people strewn all over the beach with samsong bucket hangovers, not what they got up early to see!!! lol!!! We had our wash in the sea and then got back on the boat and back to Phi Phi!!! Not a bad birthday for B as Birthdays go!!! xx
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