More apologies are extended to Louise and Neil for the two zombies they had welcomed into their house (aka MacDonalds mansions)!! We had managed to not sleep a wink on the plane due to Laura's over excitement of soon to be arriving in Sydney and Mike having soooooo much good tele to watch!! Although we should have taken our parents advice and avoided 'funny people' as they were right what a crap film!! Not funny at all!!
We took a new approach to conquering jet lag after our week long failings to stay awake in Thailand. We arrived in Sydney at 8am having not slept for 24 hours and elected to stay awake for the rest of the worked though no jet lag the next day!! Or maybe its our new found love of coffee thats hiding it!! Louise and Neil took us to Balmoral beach (lovely place) where we caught some rays and had fish and chips!!
When we awoke we were really able to fully appreciate what a lovely place Louise and Neil have. We had the most comfortable bed with our own bathroom and pool out side our room!!! Louise had made us breakfast and sorted all our washing out......Outrigger eat your heart out!! Louise and Neil have made us feel soo welcome and the three kids are real cuteys, but have made loo miss her Ol monster!! It was very welcome to have a piece of home after the cultural contrast in Thailand!!
First day in Sydney Laura was very excited to catch up with red eye and Chris.......they took us for pancakes on the rocks, gave us a guided tour of Sydney, around the Opera house and Botanical gardens and front row seats on the Manly ferry.
Laura was amazed by the wildlife in the botanical gardens... and not at all disturbed by the sheer volume of massive man eating bats!!!
On Manly beach we managed to meet up with yet another familiar face.... Fat Head, the gregster!!! we also met his new girlfriend Elise and were surprised with his linguistic talents...he is now able to resite the whole of a norweigian phrase book!!
After chillin on the beach we went for a beer and catch up then went to meet chris's almost felt like we'd come home... it was so good to see everyone.
New years Eve was to be spent in Rose Bay, Sydney, with great views of the harbour for midnight when the fireworks would kick off. So that morning Mike was sent to the supermarket with three things to remember. 1. Enough beer for a 12 hr session (no glass) 2. Food for the BBQ 3. Wine for Loo. Mike returned home with no food, 24 glass bottle and beer but luckily 2 litres of vino (goon) for loo.........1 out of 3 is not bad!! So after a second visit to the supermarket and beer shop (oz does not sell beer in supermarkets!!??!!) we arrived at the beach with 24 CANS of Jack Daniels and coke and loeds of food although we were a little late starting!!
We steadily managed to catch up on those lost hours of drinking with several drinking games including fuzzy duck, pass the sausage, pass the dirty bottle and the vegetable game............which led to led to alot of lunging and beach limbo dancing competition us versus the rest of Rose Bay (we won, mainly due to Ems extremely supple back and having an 18 year old on the team)!!
To see the new year in we waded into the water with no fear for our lives, after finishing all the jack and coke Mike was pretty certain he could take out any shark who dared to attack!!
Laura fluently conversed with all comers on the beach with her amazing South african, Irish, Australian accents which I'm sure won us lots of friends!!??!!
We crept in the door at sunrise to sleep off an amazing new year celebration!!
New Years day we awoke to the smell of what turned out to be a lovely roast diner (Mikes favourite) prepared by the MacDonalds, but this was no junk food!!!
After lining our stomachs we headed to Coogee beach to help Diana (Laura's diving buddy from Koh Tao) celebrate her 25th birthday!! We had an afternoon of drinking hair of the dog and chilling with DJ's playing on the hill looking out over Coogee beach!!
We left Diana and headed over to meet up with Greg in the evening at the opera house bar.
After picking Gregs brains on where to go we came to the conclusion Japan has to be top of the list (cheers Greg for adding another $???? dollars to the cot of the trip!!
Another after midnight finish to another great day!! No alcohol tommorrow we promise liver we promise!!
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