In day light Thedbo was even more appealling. Our parking space was next to a beautiful strong flowing river, that we could only hear when we had pulled in the night before so were not abkle to fully appreciate its beauty.
We walked up into the very quiet town and found somewhere to buy some supplies (and breakfast). Most of the shops were shut as it was out of ski season however there were a scattering of walkers, mountain bikers and tall skinny athletic lookin people around to provide a rather chillled atmosphere.
After a bit of shopping around we realised that down hill mountain biking was a little ou of our budget at 300 dollars for a days bike hire, lift pass and an hours tuition.......Thredbo made an already expensive Australia pass from the sublime to the rediculous when it came to cost!!??!!
We instead took the ski lift up the mountain which was pretty cool to do without the usual snow we were accustomed to on our European mountain trips.
We hiked up a few km's of Mt Koziusko and had a coffee looking out over the mountains at the top of the lift. We had to make a hasty descent as a thunder storm came over and the lift was going to close. We were the last allowed on the lift before it was closed for the storm, a result as it would have been more than a little uncomfortable descending by foot in that nasty weather and I'm sure none of the downhill mountain bikers would have offered us a backy!!
While waiting for the weather to clear we decided to try out the local swimming pool. This seamed a good idea if only to get a decent toilet and shower. When we got in though we realised it was in fact a bloody brilliant idea. The pool was Olympic size and as it turned out, those tall skinny athletic people we had seen around the village were in fact olympic swimmers. Someone O'sullivan the 50m freestyle world record holder was a name that springs to mind. Obviously they were very excited to get to swim with us to and we showed them a thing or two about bomb diving and doggy paddle!! It was amazing to get to swim alongside such awesome athletes!
After the lightening we had a BBQ for diner and went to the river and tried our luck at tickling for a luck!! THen a few beers in the local and a good nights sleep.
Unfortunately the next day we had to leave Thredbo, but not before another swim (and shower) in the morning. Swimming at altitude really was soo much more difficult than normal 100m and you are completely finished your arms get heavy and you feel like someones stolen your breath, at least thats what the olympic boys told us after they tried to keep up!!
Once we had finished bashing the water from our ears we headed out of Thredbo and East towards the coast. This time in daylight so we were able to fully appreciate the scale of the mountains and beautiful views. We hit the coast at Narooma somewhere south of sydney. We had a BBQ for lunch and enjoyed seaside surroundings before heading up the coast road towards Sydney. The journey was filled with seaside towns and creeks with views to die for and you could definately see a good qulity of life in this existence. What punishment we really bestowed on our crims all those years ago!!
Upon the advice of some other travelllers we had met along the way we were in search of a little turn of and dirt track to somewhere called pebble beach. We found th turn off and again breaking the hire comany rules proceeeded down the dirt track avoiding potholes and able only to make about 5km along the very rought track. After about 8kmn though we realised it was well worth it. We jumped straight in the water and washed away all the hours of driving......we had found pebble beach a beautiful almost empty stretch of sand dotted with a few others in the know and willin to risk someone elses car to make the journey!! One man fishing from the rocks at the far end of the beach said he had pulled in enough fish to feed himself for a week in only a few hours!! The wildlife was abundent and we had kangaroos and possums hopping and waddling around the van all evening as we cooked our diner and cracked open a beer!!
That night we struggled with the noticable increase in temperature from the mountains and realised our vam would have been a thousand times better if the windows had been fitted with mosquito nets!!
An early start was easy as the heat woke us up. We walked down to the beach watching the morning dew lift and enjoyed the cool sea breeze before packing up nad heading out Sydney bound. We had about three hours of driving ahead tp get the camper back on time and we made it with 20 minutes to spare. We said goodbye to our camper near the sydney airport and took the train back to Louise and Neils.
It was funny arriving back in the city it had seamed such a long time since we were last there!! But it was a good feeling to be back in Sydney a city we both loved!!
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