When we found out the ozy open was played just round the corner we decided to take a stroll down there to see what was going on......one thing led to another (Mike found out Federer was playing) and we had brought ourslves some ground passes and were insid with our fish and chips!!
After we had refuelled we started our rece of the ground looking for a nice (blind) security guard on Federers centre court that we maybe able to sneak past. Unfortunately all of them had been to spec savers this year so we resigned oursleves to the outside courts!! Not that we were at all disappointed we had a great afternoon getting involved in the banter and watching many rackets being smashed by a John McEnroe wannabe with the unfortunate name of Koellerer!! As much of an ass as he was it was very entertaining!! He had just one follower in the crowd who was steadily drinking himself into a stupa but was occassionally able to come up with some classic lines and looked just like 'Petey' off American Pie (very funy)!!
After such a great day and seeing that Murray was playing the next day we splashed out and decided to make a return visit for the third round matches the next day!! We pushed our budgets and went into the Hisense arena (court 2) to watch Andy Roddick, Del Potro adn Blake and later on Andy Murray play. It was great to see Murray play and we got stuck in with the mexican waves etc!!
Laura got some extra entertainment which just wasnt tennis while Mike was off buying his Federer hat Laura witnessed a shoplifter being wrestled by a have a go hero and the security guard watching motionless. the shoplifter gave the guy a real wallap round his head with the strongest forehand around, and promptly sprinted through the crowd with the guy hot on her heels...all this for a giant tennis ball!! Aussie's must really love thier sport!!
The next few days were spent orientating ourselves to Melbourne. We took a free ram ride around the city (Melbourne has the worlds largest tram network in the world) which adds a bit of risk/ adventure to crossing the road and driving around the city.
We visited some art gallery in Federation square, Mike found the building more interesting than the art but Laura was pleased he humoured her for the day, well morning, ok maybe just an hour before he got too hungry to stand anymore and regressed about 29 years!!
St Kilda beach was the only place to be on the 36 degree day.......soo hot!! Nice enough beach for a city but no competition for Manly.
We cycled on the saturday around Melbs and along the river. This really showed us Melbourne, the place came alive on the weekend with people jogging, walking, cycling along the riverside which is doted with free gas BBQ's where families and friends all gathered!!
We cycled some more on Sunday doing more of the city (dicing death with the trams) and stopping by Victoria market. We stuffed ourselves silly sampling all of the deli's in the market- loads of good cheese and olives and we brought some meat for our BBQ the next night. We cycled back along the river covering part of the 40 odd KM circuit.
After all that cycling we decided to have a chilled sight seeing day Monday. But wow we were sucked into the Botanical gardens and managed to loose a whole day there!! We again diced with death but this time with the local wildlife!! Mike decided to feed one of the odd looking birds in the park which had some young chicks to feed, unfortunately half of the bird population of Melbourne cottoned onto this and decided they wanted a piece of the action and swept down on us. Mike being the man he is did a runner and the birds helped themselves to all they could in our bags and lunch boxes!! Luckily before all was lost we were saved by a heroic act of a local who ran screaming into the middle of them and chased them all off........fine but we're a little embarrased to admit that this brave young man was probably no older than about five years old!!
Tuesday was the public holiday Australia Day!! We chilled for the large part of the day looking after Lenni and Olive and then went to Ben and Fleurs friends for a BBQ. Had a great time, Ben and Fleur have some great friends but all a little too good at table tennis for Mikes liking!! We left in time to get home and watch Murray whoop Nadal in the open and make his way into the nxt stge of the finals!!!
We lost the next day planning- too many decisions to be made and research to be done......sorry Laura but i had over analysis paralysis!! We did manage to get some more of that sight seeing that we had on the tick list done though visiting the Eureka sky tower to get a different perspective on things!! We had a bit of a food day too making pizza for lunch with Fleur!! We had lasagna that night which Fleur made from scratch which was very tasty, Laura saying it came very close to her Mum's, but dont worry Myra yours is still No. 1!!
On thursday Aunty Brenda came to visit with Lucinda and we had tea and a good chat with them in the morning. In the afternoon we decided to take a ride out to the F1 circuit. Mike thought this was amazing we cycled the circuit and hung out there for an hour or so as loads of people around exercising etc around the lake!! We did a big Paella for the family in the evening.
Friday we hired a car for the day and drove out to the Vineyards in the Yarra valley. We stopped enroute at the at Healesville animal sanctuary which unreassuringly showed us the indigenous species of australia....... excellent more fuel for sleepless nights!!
The Yarra valley was beautiful though and we had a nice lunch at the Chandon vineyard and enjoyed some free wine tasting at there open cellar!! We also visited the dairy farm who had open ?? maybe stable door and we ate lots of cheese!!
Saturday was moving towards our leaving day so we went out and brought pressies for the girls as it was to be Olives birthday on the Tuesday after we left Melbs!! In the evening we had another cool new experienc going to the moonlight cinema in the Botanical gardens and watched 'This is it' the Michael Jackson documentary. So nice to sit out on a packed hill with a pic nic and friends watching the movie!! Mike even slightly changed his opinion of wacko........
Sunday was a hot day so we had a late breakfast down by the river with the Crawfords and chilled under the air con in the afternoon. We had a chinese in the evening at one of Fleur and Bens local favourites (Mike riding in the boot) before watching the Oz open final at home. We had meant to watch from the equivalent of Henman Hill but rain changed plans and we had a nice last night in with Fleur and Ben watching Murray getting taken back to school by an amazing Roger Federer!!
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